Businesses with up to 10 employees can avail of the Trading Online Voucher (TOV) scheme operated by the Local Enterprise Offices around the country.
In response to the crisis, the rules have also been relaxed to allow companies which previously had a TOV to apply for a second one, “where upgrades are required”.
Previous rounds of this scheme required the business to pay half the costs of the project: now only a 10% investment (up to €250) is all that is needed for the maximum grant of €2,500. It’s part of a wider response by the LEOs to help businesses to fight the crisic brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, including Business Continuity Vouchers and COVID-19 Business Loans. More details can be found on you local LEO website.
Eligibaility Criteria (Download PDF)
Link to Dublin South LEO Online Trading Voucher Scheme
Larger companies can apply for Enterprise Ireland’s Online Retail Scheme which has just announced a €2 million round of funding “in response to the Covid-19 crisis and the urgent need for retail companies to achieve a step change in online capability”.
Successful applicants will be awarded funding to support a maximum of 80% of the project eligible costs with a maximum grant of €40,000.
The Online Retail Scheme is “for companies of 10 or more employees with the potential to sustain or create jobs, generate growth in online transactions and with an ambition to internationalise their business in future”.
Qualifiying projects must have a minimum budget of €12,500 (grant of €10,000).
Full details can be found on Enterprise Irelands website here
Synergy Centre TU Dublin
Tallaght Campus, D24 A386
While it is not advisable to meet face-to-face, please call us first by phone and we will organise a secure video meeting with your team to discuss your project further. CALL: 01 5611917