
User Interface (UI) Design

Graphical User Interface development


If your software project or web application is lacking that professional look and feel, and/or is not intuitive to use, we can assist you to create the User Interface (MMI, HMI, GUI, UI/UX) you need.



Our Interface designers and usability (UX) specialists have many years experience in most areas of User Interface Design, from web sites, Intranets, web applications, enterprise applications, Desktop Software  and mobile technology, Smartphones and Tablets apps.



Common GUI Analysis & Design Methods

Function Analysis

Function Analysis is used to gain a detailed understanding of the the tasks that are to be achieved by the application initiated by the end user and the steps involved in performing those tasks. Function can be outlined in flow charts, hierarchical diagrams, use cases, UML, and system interaction descriptions as required.


Wire Frame Diagrams

Wire frame diagrams are utilised to explore and propose layout scenarios and navigation structures on a user interface. This process is performed in advance of any graphic design being applied and is carried out for each interface screen of the application using boxes and shapes to represent regions of functionality at each stage.

User Object Modelling

Mapping out the relationships between the objects that the user interacts with and understanding what actions the user can take on any object often determines the structural layout of the UI and supports the creation of use cases in UML.

User Interface Graphical Design Concepts

Concept graphical designs are a useful communication device that we employ (even at early proposal stage) to bring project presentations to life for stakeholders and assist discussion and create focus within the development team throughout project development.


Usability testing

Usability testing is used to understand how users actually interact with an interface, be it a web site, an enterprise application or business process. Usability testing determines how easy the product/service is to use and how effective it is in allowing users to accomplish their tasks within typical usage contexts. Our testing practices allow us to quickly identify any issues and potential solutions.


Expert GUI design and usability analysis is a useful service when speed to market is important, or where prototype project concepts require validation before further resources are fully committed.

Expert usability evaluations also play an important role in competitive analysis by facilitating comparison of your project performance against that of your competitors.